Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Labor Day St Petersburg & Clearwater 2018

(Click the link above for more information)

"Labor Day is celebrated by most Americans as the symbolic end of the summer and typically celebrated with picnics, barbecues, fireworks displays, parties, parades and other events."

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Please Divert your Attention for a Moment.

No, don’t divert it from these next three paragraphs.  We want to tell you something that you may need to know.  Are you, or someone you love a first-time offender?  Please take note…there could be a program that keeps you free from incarceration as well as providing counseling to help you or that loved one overcome obstacles and move forward with your hopes and dreams to lead a productive life.

Upon successfully completing the program, the court will then dismiss the charges, so there is no record of a conviction!  Here are some of the areas that are covered.  A second degree felony, many violent crimes, driving with an invalid license, eluding arrest, participating in organized crime, and even the dreaded DUI charge.

Nat Kidder and Bill Bennett know all about Florida’s Diversion Programs (that is what they are called).  They will help you navigate successfully through the system with their combined 50+ years of practicing Florida criminal law.  Call their St. Petersburg office for a consultation as soon as you can at (727) 821-8000.

2018-2019 Pinellas County Schools Calendar

(Click the link above for more information)

School is back in session and there are some dates that need to be marked on your calendar!

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Protect Your ‘Stuff.

You always want to do that (especially in the computer age).  During a divorce it is imperative to get an equitable distribution of property and protect what is rightfully yours.  There is already an uncertainty about your financial stability in the future.  You may have spent decades accumulating wealth and possessions.

Here are some things that the Florida divorce court will consider –

1.  What contributions did you make to the union?
2.  What care and what level of education did you provide for your children?
3.  Did you make career sacrifices for the good of the marriage?
4.  What are your business interests now?
5.  How long have you been married?

These questions and others will come into play.  That is why you need to hire the Pinellas County family law veterans Nat Kidder and Bill Bennett to represent your best interests in a Florida family court.  They bring a combined half-century + of experience to the table.  Arrange a consultation at their 275 96th Ave. North office in St. Petersburg by calling (727) 821-8000.

Vans Warped Tour '18 : Tampa, FL

(Click the link above for more information)

Vans Warped Tour, on it's last year, will be making it's way to Tampa instead of St. Pete and will be the best one yet! Get ready for the best festival in Tampa

Start on : August 4, 2018 11:00 AM Saturday
End on : August 4, 2018 9:00 PM Saturday