Thursday, September 15, 2016

Domestic Partnerships in Florida.

What are your legal options if you are in a same-sex or heterosexual relationship, but not officially married?  There are certain limitations and responsibilities that arise from domestic partnership in the Sunshine State.  There is no reason to approach the subject with a negative impression.  There are certain benefits that domesticity carries.

1.  Shared rights to parent your children whether they be adopted or born to the two of you.
2.  Public benefits.  You are entitled to many of them about which you may not even know.
3.  Being able to obtain YOUR health insurance through your partner and/or children.
4.  Property rights which may include different types of goods and land.

All of this and more must be sorted out by attorneys that have experience in this area.  You need to contact Kidder and Bennett.  For over a quarter of a century they have been the choice of those that live in the Ft. Lauderdale area.  They are experienced domestic partnership lawyers in Pinellas County.  Call them at your first opportunity at (727) 821-8000. 

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Dealing in Stolen Property.

In the state of Florida, you may be accused of dealing in fencing stolen property.  Even if you purchase, let alone sell stolen goods that have resulted in the rightful owner being deprived of those possessions you could be accused of this crime.  The way that the state looks at it the purchaser creates the incentive to sell the goods so they are prosecuted very aggressively.

There are some specific elements that must be present to convict you of dealing in stolen goods-

1.  The property MUST be considered as actually stolen.
2.  The property must have been received and in the possession of the buyer.
3.  The receiver actually knew they were receiving stolen goods.
4.  There must be intent to deprive the rightful owner of his or her possessions.

Many times an accusation and arrest for this crime is an honest mistake and a true misunderstanding.  Remember, it is not a crime to buy what you KNOW to be a stolen good, then immediately turn it over to the police!  With so many gray areas, you need to contact Kidder and Bennett.  They are experienced stolen property defense lawyers in Pinellas County.  Call immediately at (727) 821-8000.