Monday, April 16, 2018

When a DUI has Devastating Consequences.

Having a DUI on your record is devastating enough in the state of Florida.  When that DUI results in death, incarceration, fines, and a loss of license may follow.  It is almost unthinkable to imagine a loved one caught in the middle of this, but it happens every day somewhere in the Sunshine State.

If you or a loved one are ever convicted for DUI manslaughter or vehicular homicide it will probably result in a stiff penalty that can include up to 15 years of imprisonment and a $10,000 fine.  Those numbers are sobering!  And please, don’t ever, ever leave the scene of a DUI accident.  When you are caught, the penalties will increase dramatically.

After any DUI accident, the authorities are carefully analyzing everything you say and do.  You must be represented by a St. Petersburg and Pinellas County DUI attorney who has dealt with the most severe levels of this charge.  The team of Nat Kidder and Bill Bennett bring over 50 years of combined experience to your DUI case.  Call the office of Kidder and Bennett immediately at  (727) 821-8000.

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April 20, 2018
Friday   6:00 PM
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Wednesday, April 4, 2018

What is the Divorce Process?

You are already under enormous stress, so you probably have not given much thought as to what happens next.  Education equals empowerment!  It is that way in most things where two opposing forces are trying to “win”.  This is so important in this case, because minor children and other factors may be at stake.

It starts with one of the parties filing a petition for divorce.  There is a strict deadline which must be adhered to for a response.  The next phase may be more difficult because it requires both individuals to disclose financial and other personal information.  Then it comes down to mediation, litigation, or uncontested divorce.

The process may be complicated and definitely could be quite stressful.  Nat Kidder and Bill Bennett take some of that out of the equation with their combined 50+ years of experience as St. Petersburg divorce attorneys.  It is important to seek the proper council at the very beginning.  Call the law office of Kidder and Bennett at (727) 821-8000.