Friday, February 16, 2018

The War on Drugs Heats Up.

President Trump has made it a priority…get opioids out of the hands of people using them for profit NOT pain.  It truly has become a national epidemic.  It may affect someone you love or even you.  Being arrested for trafficking opioids is no minor detail.  You will be prosecuted vigorously!

Here is one major problem; the sentences are way to harsh compared to the crime that was allegedly committed.  The government can and will seize your car, your boat, your home, etc.  Even if the drug has been prescribed it is not necessarily safe for everyone.  Even the most innocent among us are familiar with Hydrocodone, Oxycodone, Adderall, and many others.

Get serious if you or a loved one is detained for the distribution of opioids.  Immediately call the law office of Kidder and Bennett.  They will bring a combined half century of experience to your case.  They are Pinellas County’s drug defense law team.  Come in for a consultation at their St. Petersburg office by calling (727) 821-8000. 

Thursday, February 15, 2018

St. Petersburg Private Sunset Cruise

(Click the link above for more information)

"Embark on a memorable sail along the coastline of downtown St. Petersburg. This relaxed experience allows you to watch the sky change from vibrant blue to radiant red and amber, while the sea breeze fills the sails. Enjoy the best views of the spectacular Florida sunset and wild dolphins leaping alongside. Each yacht accommodates up to six passengers."


Thursday, February 1, 2018

Determining Fatherhood.

This has become a favorite topic of many reality TV shows.  In truth, this issue is a life-changer for all whom are involved.  Fatherhood comes with huge responsibilities as well as opportunities.  On the positive side it gives dad the right to visit his kids.  Negatively speaking, there is a long process of financial obligation that you may not be ready, willing, or able to undertake.

A man would be legally presumed to be the father if –

1.  The child was conceived while he was married to the mother.
2.  He married mom and gave the child “legitimacy”
3.  He legally adopted the child.
4.  An order for genetic testing was issued.

What are your current feelings about fatherhood?  Why not let St. Petersburg, FL family lawyers Nat Kidder and Bill Bennett sort it out for you?  For more than half a century combined these two Pinellas County family attorneys have been answering any and all questions about paternity.  Give the office a call at (727) 821-8000.